Splashy Stripey Paisley Skirt


First project, first post of 2019. I wanted a skirt for travelling.
-durable to tolerate a standard wash, and possibly tumble drying.
-dark enough to go in a dark wash
-patterned to not show crushing and/or dirt as much
-lightweight in both senses
-colours to go with the other things I mean to take
-adjustable waist.
-natural fibre of course.

This fabric was bought early 2018, just before I instituted the fabric buying moratorium. It was a bolt end from spotlight. In two pieces because it also had some printing faults. I think it’s really fun. It has both yarn dyed stripes and overprinting that must have been done with some kind of bleach, then subsequently dyed, in a way I don’t understand. I love the finished effect though.

The whole thing is made from rectangles, except for an arc cut from the top of the front skirt sections to level the hem. The two layer design was inspired by dresses from the early 1900s. The under layer is mostly made of shiny rayon lining. A sort of inbuilt petticoat that stops it catching on knickers or leggings worn underneath. The hem edges are bound with straight grain strips of black cotton to give some definition in all that splashy colour.


The fastening is one I had trialed in an earlier skirt and quite liked. There is a short section a little longer than needed to go around one’s waist, into which the rest of the skirt is gathered. This functions as combination waistband and basque to drop the gathering fullness and bulk away from the waist. There is both a drawstring and button placket.


On me, including showing off one of the pockets. It might be a bit too long. Easy enough to amend with tucks if I want to given everything is straight cut.  I expect it will sit a bit more softly after it’s first wash, so I’ll wait until after that to decide.
